REMINDER: 2020-2021 Vehicle Registration in Progress

July 27, 2020

All resident vehicles must complete this registration no later than September 9, 2020, 6 p.m.  After that time, only the purple 2020-2021 decals will be honored.   In late May, a registration form was distributed to every unit.  The registration form is available also on this blog as a separate page and from the guard.  As stated on the form, the guard registers vehicles; do not go through the management company.


July 27, 2020

The septic tanks are experiencing clogging due to improper flushing of material other than human waste and toilet paper into the system.  Refrain from flushing condoms, tampons, wipes of any kind, diapers, sanitary pads, mops and other matter.  Sewage backup in to units is very unpleasant.  We hope that the vacuum trucks can resolve the clogging problem today.

Thank you for your cooperation.


July 13, 2020

Almost daily we receive notices of local brush and structure fires.  With attention on the pandemic, we cannot become complacent about fire safety.

  1.  Emergency vehicles require alleyway access.  There is no alleyway parking from 11 p.m. – 6 am., for this reason, but even during daytime hours, give consideration to overloading the alleyway with vehicles on both sides, in the red zones, and at fire hydrants.
  2. Smoking is not permitted on common areas during fire high risk periods.  Cigarette butts should not be thrown or extinguished anywhere outdoors.  During high wind advisories, smoking is not permitted on balconies and patios.  Please instruct your contractors and guests.
  3. Garage doors must be closed from 11 p.m. – 6 a.m.  Review how to open your garage door manually in the event of fire and power outage.  It is advisable to keep your garage door closed during daytime hours for numerous safety reasons.
  4. Have an evacuation plan.  Close all your windows before evacuation.
  5. Malibu Villas’ fires have included those in fireplaces, kitchens, bedroom (smoking), wall heaters, and other.  These fires can spread quickly to other units and potentially to the entire community.  We must all be watchful during this very dry season.

The Association trims trees annually for fire and structure protection.  Our grounds are watered with no dry brush and dead trees.  Neighboring property may not be as attentive.


July 7, 2020

There is no regular business meeting of the MVOA Board of Directors scheduled for July.  There is a closed executive session scheduled for Monday, June 13, 2020, 5:00 p.m.  The agenda is posted as a separate page on this blog and on the clubhouse door.

No hearings or meetings are conducted in-person during the pandemic.


July 7, 2020

Water is pouring into our septic system at an unacceptable rate, indicating likely leaks in unit plumbing.  The pump trucks on the premises again today.  All titleholders should check their properties; sometimes tenants fail to report issues.  The most likely culprits are toilets that do not shut off after flushing.  Our septic maintenance engineers are trying to identify a cluster or clusters most responsible for this costly problem.  Even in a pandemic, residents must call plumbers to fix water-related problems.


July 2, 2020

During the pandemic, the pet waste problem at the Villas has become untenable. At the most recent board business meeting, under the landscape report, directors again considered DNA testing of all dogs to identify uncooperative pet owners and to alleviate this problem.  This DNA program has been very successful in other communities with costs being passed on to pet owners only.  In a virus surge, the Board, however, is reticent to take on a complex new project.  Years ago, a Board installed pet bag stations; the effort was totally unsuccessful and very expensive with costs shared by all owners even those without pets; this approach will not be considered again.

So, we ask for resident cooperation.  Our landscape crew has an extremely unpleasant task to garden in and around feces.  Pet waste brings down property values.  It is unsanitary and contributes to storm drain pollution.  We encourage residents to report incidents to the guard with time, dog description, and other details.  (310) 457-3217.  You will not be identified if a fine is issued.

Thank you